You have put your heart and soul into founding your own customer-oriented company, are completely absorbed in your profession at the highest level and always strive for the higheststandards and the best customer experience? Then you’ve come to the right place. Because evenif you try to look at your own restaurant, bakery or hotel as objectively as possible, there arealways so-called „blind spots“ developing that you simply don’t notice yourself. We help youwith our offer of mystery shopping to start exactly here, to uncover these „blindspots“ at thehighest level and to optimize your company together with you.
How exactly does it work?
Our trained experts discreetly and consciously test the experience in your company. Based on acatalog of criteria that has been individually optimized in advance with you, the quality of therespective service is tested in a hidden way. Mystery Shopping thus serves as a valid instrumentfor testing the quality standards of your company, thereby increasing customer satisfaction andstrengthening loyalty to your own company, which in the long run will also result in asignificantly higher turnover. To ensure the impartiality of your employees, of course no one onduty will be informed about the upcoming mystery shopping. This guarantees a normal workingenvironment and makes the Mystery Shopping a complete success!
If desired, we also offer high-class trainings for your employees after the Mystery Shopping, inorder to evaluate the points noticed during the Shopping, to directly implement the newlygained know-how and thus optimize your company!
For all your questions and details concerning Mystery Shopping, please do not hesitate tocontact us! We look forward to optimizing your company together with you!